Tibbits Family.
The Tibbits Family figured prominently in the social, ecconomic, and political affairs of Troy and Rensselaer County, New York, for four successive generations from the 1780's to 1940's. George Tibbits (1763-1849) the first to become prominent, began his lifetime endeavors in 1784 as a proprietor of a general store in Lansingburgh, New York. In 1796, the business was moved to Troy where greater profits were realized. In addition, he began to speculate in land at that time, acquiring and conveying lots in such diverse places as Hoosick Patent, McCormick's Patent, and Scriba's Patent. Soon after the turn of the century, he retired from mercantile affairs to become actively involved in politics and government. The first major office he held was as member of the New York State Assembly in 1800. Two years later he was elected to the United States house of Representatives. He served only one term in which he was most noted for his advocacy of tarifs and other protectionist measures in behalf of American agriculture and industry. He was a member of the New York State Senate, 1815-1816, where he contributed to the enactment of legislation that authorized construction of the Erie Canal. In 1824, he was appointed along with Stephen Allen and Samuel Hopkins to a special state commission that resulted in a favorable report on conditions at Auburn Prison, and oversaw the construction of the Sing Sing Prison.
Finally, he concluded his political career as Mayor of Troy from 1830 to 1836. There he gained a reputation as fighter in behalf of the city's economic interest. For example, he vehemently opposed, without success, the movement of the eastern terminus of the Erie Canal from Troy to Albany, but was successful in preventing the construction of a bridge over the Hudson River at Albany claiming it would prevent navigation to Troy. Another major accomplishment as mayor was the provision of a public water supply made available through the construction of a dam to create a reservoir in the Piscawan Creek basin.
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