Kerr, Sir John Graham (1869-1957: Knight, zoologist, Professor of Natural History, University of Glasgow, 1903-1935)

John Graham Kerr was born at Rowley Lodge, Arkley, Barnet, England on 18 September 1869 . He was commonly known as Graham Kerr. He was educated at the Royal High School, Edinburgh, Scotland, and at the University of Edinburgh, where he studied Mathematics and Philosophy, before enrolling in the Medical Faculty. He interrupted his medical studies to join an Argentine expedition, led by Captain Juan Page. He returned to England in 1891 and entered Christ's College, Cambridge, gaining First Class Honours in both parts of the Natural Sciences Tripos ( 1894-1896 ).

In 1896, he made an expedition to Paraguay to study the South American Lungfish (Lepidosiren), accompanied by J S Budgett. Their collections of specimens, and those of three further expeditions to the Chaco region, have been preserved in the Hunterian Museum at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. On his return from Paraguay in 1896, he was appointed demonstrator in Animal Morphology at Cambridge University, a post he held until 1902. He was a Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge from 1898-1904 and was appointed Regius Professor of Zoology at the University of Glasgow . in 1902 . During his professorship he concentrated on teaching medical students, using a largely morphological and embryological approach. This approach is reflected in his books: and .


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