Hermine Isaacs Popper, 1915-1968

Hermine Issacs, editor, critic, and short-story writer, was born on August 16, 1915 in New York City, the daughter of Lewis Montefiore and Edith (Rich) Isaacs. She attended Dalton School, graduated from Radcliffe College in 1936, and married RLP in 1938. Between 1936 and 1948 HIP was first managing, then associate, editor and film critic for THEATRE ARTS MAGAZINE. During 1941 she was also film feature editor for PM PICTURE NEWS. HIP became an assistant editor at Harper and Brothers in 1953, leaving in 1956 to do freelance book editing. Among the authors whose works she edited are: Victoria Sackville-West, Constantin Stanislavski, Martin Luther King, Jr., Peter Drucker and Frank Riessman.

HIP also wrote original articles on film and theatre for various magazines; pamphlets (HOW DIFFICULT ARE THE DIFFICULT SCHOOLS? [Public Education Assn., 1959], WHAT YOU CAN DO [Urban League of Westchester County, 1961]); and short stories: "Mother and the General," HARPER'S (August 1962), "The Universe of Thornton Wilder," HARPER'S (June 1965).


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