Holloway, John Stephen, 1923-2005

Holloway-Reeves was an architectural firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina. The partners, John S. Holloway (1923-2005) and Ralph "Bernie" Reeves, Jr. (1920-1984), both studied architecture at North Carolina State College. The firm began in 1948 with William Weber as the third partner. In 1951 the firm was established as Holloway-Reeves. It eventually became one of the largest architectural firms in North Carolina. Projects included numerous school, university, and state government buildings, as well as churches, residences, camps, and hospitals. Collaborations with New York architect Edward Durell Stone resulted in designs for the North Carolina State Legislative Building and the North Carolina Museum of Art. The firm also worked with Edward “Terry” Waugh to design North Carolina State University’s Harrelson Hall, the first circular classroom structure ever built on a university campus. John Holloway retired in 1986. Since 1990, the firm has operated under the name H. R. Associates, PA.

Additional information can be found on the Triangle Modernist Houses website: Holloway - Reeves - http://www.trianglemodernisthouses.com/holloway-reeves.htm


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