Houston Heights Woman's Club.

The Houston Heights Woman's Club, founded by sixteen wives of Houston Heights founders and originally called the Houston Heights Literary Club, held their first meeting at Mrs. Cummings' home on January 15, 1900. The club appointed its first officers, including president, vice president, and secretary, and formed a constitution and program of work to be accomplished. Meetings were subsequently held every Monday at a different member's house each week and the members dedicated themselves to the discussion, study, and enjoyment of literature and music. In 1912, members sought to raise money to construct a building specifically for club business. With Mrs. D.D. Cooley's generous donation of property at 1846 Harvard, the members set out to raise money to build the club house. Currently, the club meets in the one-story bungalow that it built and has expanded into four departments including literature, music, civic, and art, which all meet once a month to create programs, and once a month collectively to discuss each department's programs. The club is one of the oldest woman's clubs still meeting in Houston today and has been showcased on several antique shows and local tours.

From the guide to the Houston Heights Woman's Club Records 2006-006., 1900-2004, (Special Collections, University of Houston Libraries)


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