Lutheran World Ministries (Agency). General Secretary.

Established in 1947, the USANC was administered by the NLC Executive Committee from 1947-1966. Upon termination of the NLC in 1966, the USANC became a separate standing body. In 1977, it was reorganized again as Lutheran World Ministries, a joint agency of the Lutheran Church in America, The American Lutheran Church, and the Association of Evanglical Lutheran Churches. A free association of Lutheran churches world-wide, the Lutheran World Federation normally held assemblies every six years at the call of the LWF President. The USANC and LWM were responsible for preparing the U.S. delegates and other U.S. participants for the.

Assemblies. In 1987, LWM was terminated with the establishment of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which assumed USANC responsibilities.


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