Houston, D. Franklin.

John Van Druten (1901-1957) was an Anglo-American playwright, theatrical director, screenwriter, and novelist.

Born in London of a Dutch father and an English mother, Van Druten was educated at London's University College School. His controversial play YOUNG WOODLEY (1928), initially prohibited, was eventually staged successfully in London and New York. Van Druten's later plays include THERE'S ALWAYS JULIET (1931), OLD ACQUAINTANCE (1940), the hugely successful VOICE OF THE TURTLE (1943), and BELL, BOOK, AND CANDLE (1950). Van Druten adapted several of these plays into film versions, and also wrote original screenplays, including UNFAITHFUL (1931) for Ruth Chatterton. Van Druten adapted Christopher Isherwood's BERLIN STORIES into the play I AM A CAMERA, which was made into a movie and later musicalized on stage and screen as CABARET. Van Druten's novels include A WOMAN ON HER WAY (1931) and THE VICARIOUS YEARS (1956). John Van Druten died on Dec. 19, 1957, at the age of 56.


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