Illinois Historical Records Survey

The Illinois Historical Records Survey (1935-1943), created in 1935 as part of the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) located and described Illinois federal, state, county, municipal, and church archives. After operating as a separate project within the WPA's Women's and Professional Division (Aug. 1936), the survey expanded to include Illinois manuscript depository inventories and newspaper Lincolniana (1938). With the Works Progress Administration name change to the Work Projects Administration, federal Survey sponsorship ended (1939), but the project continued under state sponsorship until 1943. Since only a small number of inventories were ever published, the remaining unpublished inventory research data and work sheets were deposited with the Illinois State Archives.

From the description of Inventory of manuscript collections and depositories, 1936-1941. (Illinois State Archive). WorldCat record id: 38153181


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