Morris, Sarah, 1704-1775

Sarah Morris was a Quaker minister from Philadelphia. She was born on the 16th of 11th month 1703, O.S. (27 January 1704, N.S.) to Anthony and Elizabeth Morris of Philadelphia. When Morris was seventeen, her father on his deathbed said of her that "she never had disobeyed him, and was his Comfort." Her first religious tour was made with Margaret Ellis as companion. In 1764 accompanied by Joyce, wife of Anthony Benezet, and Elizabeth Smith, the maiden sister of Samuel and John Smith, of Burlington, N.J. she went on a religious visit to New England. Her mother received her close attention to the advanced age of ninety-four years. After her death, Sarah Morris, accompanied by her niece, Deborah Morris, sailed with a Minute from her meeting for service in England, setting out from Philadelphia for London in the spring of 1772, shortly pefore John Woolman. They attended the same Yearly Meeting of that year, and Sarah Morris and her niece were also at the following one, after which she returned home in the autumn of 1773. Several other Friends from Great Britain crossed with them on the return voyage. She accompanied Mary Leaver and Elizabeth Robinson in some family visits in Philadelphia in the winter of 1773-4 and was at New York Yearly meeting in the spring. Sarah Morris was stricken with dropsy, and was carried to her last meeting in Philadelphia, 6mo. 4, 1775. She died 10 mo. 24, 1775, aged seventy two years,
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