Lucke, Elmina Rose

1889 Born on December 6 in Carleton, Michigan 1896 Attended one-room school in Carleton. 1908 Graduated from high school in Toledo, Ohio. 1912 1913 Helped establish and taught in Carleton's first high school. 1912 Graduated from Oberlin College, Phi Beta Kappa. 1913 1914 Studied at the University of Berlin, returning home because of outbreak of war. 1914 1917 Taught history at Scott High School in Toledo. 1917 1919 Worked for the U.S. Children's Bureau in Gary, Indiana, directing social services; studied social service at the University of Chicago. Employed by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to conduct surveys in Oklahoma and Kansas. 1919 1923 Founded and directed the International Institute in Detroit, established by the Y.W.C.A. for recent immigrants. 1923 1926 Taught history and served on committee on curriculum reorganization for Toledo high schools. 1926 1927 Enrolled in International Law and Relations doctoral program at Columbia University as one of first two women to enter this program; received M.A. 1927 1946 Taught social studies at Lincoln School, Teacher's College, Columbia University, and was an associate in research. 1930 1931 Traveled around the world studying social science teaching with a grant from the American Historical Association. 1937 1969 Served on the National Board of the American Council of Nationalities Service. 1946 1949 Founded and directed the Delhi School of Social Work under the auspices of the Y.W.C.A. in India. 1950 1951 Awarded Fulbright Scholarship to Cairo, where she served as consultant in social work training to the Cairo School of Social Work and as advisor to the U.S. Point IV program. Worked as consultant for the American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service. 1952 1955 Appointed chairman of the United Nations Technical Assistance Program to Pakistan advising on social work education. 1955 Appointed to Board of Trustees, New Lincoln School. 1956 Received Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Oberlin College. Appointed to Advisory Board, Adelphi School of Social Work. 1959 Appointed as its representative to the United Nations by the International Federation of University Women. 1960 Served on Alumni Board of Oberlin College. 1964 1965 Served as delegate, Tonga Conference, Pan-Pacific and Southeast Asia Women's Association (PPSEAWA), and U.N. consultant, Australian Council of Women. 1965 Appointed as its representative to the United Nations by the PPSEAWA; presented proposals relating to women's issues for the PPSEAWA at the U.N. Conference on Women in Teheran. 1975 Member, Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund for University Women, Inc 1981 Named, "Citizen of the Day," September 16, in Sarasota, Florida. 1983 Received Gwendolyn S. Cherry Award from AAUW Miami Branch for contributions in the field of women's rights. 1985 Publication of Unforgettable Memories, A Collection of Letters in India. 1986 Nominated for the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame. 1987 Died on October 3l in Sarasota, Florida

From the guide to the Elmina Rose Lucke Papers MS 192., 1897-1987, (Sophia Smith Collection)

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