Bry, Lois Williams.

Eugene O'Neill, Jr. and Lois Williams Bry were childhood friends in Douglaston (New York, N.Y.) and remained close friends throughout O'Neill, Jr.'s life. They corresponded regularly until 1949, the year before O'Neill, Jr.'s death. At the time of his death, Bry had lived for many years with her husband and children on a ranch in Ennis, Montana, where O'Neill, Jr. visited them several times. A biographical sketch of O'Neill, Jr. is provided in the Eugene O'Neill, Jr. Collection (YCAL MSS 126).

From the guide to the Lois Williams Bry collection of Eugene O'Neill, Jr., 1925-1986, 1936-1950, (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)

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