Northwestern Community Council

The Northwestern Community Council (NCC) was constituted in 1969 to address "all aspects of extra-curricular life of the students on the Evanston campus." It replaced the Council on Undergraduate Life. According to its bylaws the organization had the right to review and recommend policy relating to student environment. Specific duties of the NCC were reviews and recommendations on changes in the University Hearings and Appeals System, in the Student Self-Determination Program to living units, supervisory organizations, and the Associated Student Government (ASG). Further, the NCC advised on the hiring of candidates for Northwestern administrative positions at the level of vice-president or above.

NCC members included Evanston Campus undergraduates and graduate students, administrators, and faculty members representing the College of Arts and Sciences, the Technological Institute, the School of Speech, the School of Music, the School of Education, the School of Journalism, and the Graduate School of Management.
