Metcalfe, John R., 1889-1970

The Rev. John R. Metcalfe, a Methodist missionary in the Solomon Islands for 37 years, was born in Yorkshire in 1889. He served as a home missionary in Great Britain before moving to Victoria in 1914. He became a candidate for the Methodist ministry in 1916, and after being ordained was appointed to the Solomon Islands in 1920. After a brief peiod at Roviana, he was appointed to Choiseul as assistant to the Rev. Vincent LeCornu Binet [see Film Ms.123]. Apart from 4 years at Teop, he remained on Choiseul (with a break during the war) until 1951. He was then appointed chairman of the Methodist Mission in the Solomons. He retired in 1957, but continued to take an active interest in the mission until his death in 1970.

From the description of Papers, 1902-1969 (inclusive) [microform]. (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 702690599

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