American Jewish joint distribution committee

The American Joint Distribution Committee was founded on November 27, 1914 when the American Jewish Relief Committee (AJRC) and the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews (CCRJ) joined forces under the name of the Joint Distribution Committee of American Funds for the Relief of Jewish War Sufferers. Although JDC reflected the diversity of the American Jewish Community, the Reform-oriented American Jewish Committee faction dominated its early leadership. Conceived as a temporary agency to relieve suffering during the war, it developed more fully and complexly in the period of postwar reconstruction. In 1931 the organization changed its name to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, becoming a much-needed and permanent agency. Throughout the 1930s the organization became the relief center for Jews fleeing Nazi oppression, and in the late 1940s it conducted efforts to get oppressed Jews to Israel. In addition to its concern for, and activities in Israel, the JDC developed projects for oppressed and needy Jews throughout the world.

From the guide to the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, collection, undated, 1914-1922, 1926, 1929, 1933, 1935-1936, 1938, 1941-1985, 1988, (American Jewish Historical Society)


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