Cathrine Curtis Corporation

The Cathrine Curtis Corporation (CCC) was founded in June 1919 by Cathrine Curtis, a pioneer woman film producer, as a motion picture production company. In 1920 CCC was approached by Watterson R. Rothacker, president of Rothacker Film Mfg. Company about producing a motion picture based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel "The Lost World" in conjunction with Associated First National Film Corporation and its general manager, John D. Williams.

CCC entered into agreement with Rothacker to produce the movie, based upon Rothacker's claim that he had exclusive rights to the book and to Willis O'Brien's dinosaur models. While viewing the movies "The Ghost of Slumber Mountain" and "Along the Moonbeam Trail" in which O'Brien claimed to have done the special effects, Curtis noticed that the rights to the special effects belonged to Herbert Dawley, O'Brien's former employer.


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