Theiner, Augustin, 1804-1874

Augustis Theiner (1804-1874) was a priest of the Oratory and a student of canon law and history. After studying at Breslau and Halle he received a scholarship from the Prussian government that enabled him to do research throughout Europe. While in Paris he met Lamennais and Moehler who persuaded him to concentrate on ecclesiastical studies. Soon after this, he was ordained a priest and became a member of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Rome. Before and during the First Vatican Council (1869-1870) he was in close connection with the opponents of infallibility.

He was an avid historian and made use of the resources of the Vatican Archives. However, because he abused his position in the archives by communicating to Cardinal Hohenlohe the order of business of the Council of Trent that had been kept secret, he was deprived by order of Pius IX of his particular privileges. After his death two volumes were published entitled Acta genuina SS. oecumenici Concilii Tridentini: sub Paulo III. Julio III. et Pio IV. ... (Zagreb, 1874).


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