Benson, Oscar Algot, 1891-1972.

Oscar Algot Benson was born April 7, 1891, in Derry, Pennsylvania. He received his grammar and high school education at Greensburg, PA. He graduated from Upsala College, East Orange, NJ, in 1912. He received his M.A. degree at Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, in 1914, and his bachelor's of divinity degree from Augustana Theological Seminary in Rock Island, IL, in 1915. He was ordained into the ministry of the Augustana Lutheran Church that same year.

After his ordination he served as pastor of Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Albert City, Iowa for five years. From 1920 until 1931 he served congregations at Montclair, NJ, and Ridgway, PA. He began his ministry to Salem Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL, in 1931. In 1940 he was elected president of the Illinois Conference of Augustana Synod. He held this post until 1949 when he became pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Worcester, MA. He held this post until he was elected as the tenth president of the Augustana Lutheran Church at the 92nd annual synod of that church body, held at Galesburg, IL, June 14, 1951. He assumed office on October 15, 1951. He was re-elected for a second four-year term on June 16, 1955. During his term as president, Dr. Benson was a strong advocate of the merger talks that led to the formation of the Lutheran Church in America in 1962. After his tenure as president Dr. Benson served congregations in Omaha, NE, beginning in 1959, and in Mt. Vernon, NY, beginning in 1964.


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