Robbins, Lionel Robbins, Baron, 1898-1984

Lionel Charles Robbins, Baron Robbins (1898 - 1984) was an economist whose legacy has been described as covering three main areas: 'the academic discipline of economics; UK domestic and international economic policy, especially in the Second World War; and the arts in Britain' (p1 of 'Lionel Robbins', Susan Howson, Cambridge University press, 2011).

Lionel Robbins was educated at Southall County School, University College London and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He served in the First World War in the Royal Field Artillery, initially in training in England then on active duty in France, until he was wounded and sent home in the spring of 1918. He initially studied arts at University College London before the First World War. After returning from the war he changed his course of study to economics, starting at LSE in 1920.


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