Cobden-Sanderson, Richard

Publisher Richard Cobden Sanderson was the son of British bookbinder and printer Thomas James Cobden Sanderson (1840–1922), who founded the Doves Press, at Hammersmith, a borough of greater London . In 1919 Richard Cobden Sanderson established himself as a publisher, with partners Kenneth Rae and Boofie Gore (later Lord Arran). From his office at Thavies Inn, Holborn, Cobden Sanderson earned a reputation for publishing books noted for the quality of their content and presentation.

Early publications by Cobden Sanderson and company featured T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land and his magazine, Criterion, as well as several works on Shelley, including Poems of Shelley . Between 1919 and 1939, when Cobden Sanderson retired from publishing, the firm published much of the work of Edmund Blunden, Adrian Bell, and H. J. Massingham. Cobden Sanderson also published titles by Maria Edgeworth, David Gascoyne, Dorothy Wellesley, and John Beresford, as well as several books illustrated by Rex Whistler, including The New Keepsake and an edition of Andersen’s Fairy Tales .


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