Children's international summer villages

Children’s International Summer Villages was founded in 1951. It is an independent, non-political volunteer organization promoting peace education and cross-cultural friendship in over 70 countries. CISV conducts international programs for children of all ages. Eleven-year-olds are in the villages, 12-15 year olds are part of the interchanges, 16-17 year olds are village junior counselors, and there are seminar camps for 17-18 year olds. The program provides leadership training for all delegate leaders and staff, which are adults 21 or older, parents, and volunteers. This program to enhance the education and experience of children is able to impact youths of all ages and adults.

From the guide to the Children’s International Summer Villages Records: Doris Twitchell Allen Village, 1951-1999, (University of Cincinnati, Archives and Rare Books Library)

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