Bringhurst, Newell G.

Newell Bringhurst is a former Professor of History and Government at the College of the Sequoias in Visalia, California. He is the author and editor of several books on the history of the Mormons. These include Saints, Slaves, and Blacks: The Changing Place of Black People within Mormonism, Brigham Young and the Expanding American Frontier, Fawn McKay Brodie: A Biographer's Life, and Reconsidering No Man Knows My History . Bringhurst co-authored with Lavina Fielding Anderson Excavating Mormon Pasts: the New Historiography of the Last Half Century which received the John Whitmer Historical Association's Special Book Award in 2005. Two years later, he co-edited with John C. Hamer Scattering of the Saints: Schism within Mormonism . Bringhurst served as the president of the Mormon History Association and the John Whitmer Historical Association.

From the guide to the Newell G. Bringhurst papers, 1869-2010, (J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah)

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