Cassady, Raymond W. 1881-1924

Raymond Whiting Cassady was born 13 November 1881 near Whiting, Iowa. His parents were E. M. Cassady and Ida N. Whiting. He attended the University of Iowa (1899-1901) and was one of the sophomores who were suspended following the kidnapping of the freshman class president in January 1901. He susequently studied animal husbandry at Iowa State College (University) (1903; 1908-1909). He was a member of Iowa State's 1909 stock judging team which won first place at the International Stock Show in Chicago.

Following his studies in Ames, Cassady was engaged in farming with his father under the firm name of E. M. Cassady & Son, and he managed their Walnut Ridge Stock Farm. He developed a premier Hereford herd which produced numerous grand champions. In 1923 Governor Nate E. Kendall appointed Cassady as Iowa's first Secretary of Agriculture.


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