Scottish Woollen Technical College

In 1920 a decision was made to approach the Scotch Education Department in order to change the status of the College to that of a Central Institution. It was agreed that an incorporated association should be formed by the Scottish Woollen Manufacturers Association to take over responsibility for operating and financing the College from the Selkirk Education Authority, so enabling the College to become a Central Institution. In 1922 the College was incorporated under the Companies Acts, and was established as the Scottish Woollen Technical College.

A Governing Body was established, with statutory powers to fulfil on behalf of the Institution. All academic matters were required to be delegated to an Academic Council, and a College Principal appointed to deal with the day to day affairs of the College. The first Principal was Dr. T. Oliver. In 1923, the College was granted Scottish Central Institution status, allowing it to award degrees directly to its students via the College Diploma and Associateships, and of dealing with external validating bodies such as CNAA. Degree and post graduate programmes were subsequently established.


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