Allied Printing Trades Council, Louisville, Ky.

Printers' organization

The Louisville chapter of the Allied Printing Trades Council (APTC) was comprised of delegates from craft unions in the printing industry with local unions in the Louisville area. These included at one time or another, the Job Pressmen and Press Assistants, Local #28; the German Typographical Union #12 (also known as Typographia); the Stereotypers and Electrotypers, #32; the Brotherhood of Bookbinders, #54; the International Typographical Union, #10; Louisville Mailers Union, #16 and #99; the Photoengravers, #30; the Bindery Women's Local #126; and the Newspaper Pressmen, #9. Not included were representatives of the Lithographers International Protective and Beneficial Association of the United States and Canada.


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