Texas. Department of Aviation

The Texas Aeronautics Commission (TAC) was created in 1945 by House Bill 309, 49th Legislature. The Commission was composed of three members (later expanded to six members) appointed by the Governor, with Senate confirmation, to six-year overlapping terms. Qualifications for members were ten years continuous residence in the state and ten years successful experience in business, government, or professional activities. A chair was elected by the Commission and an Executive Director was appointed to handle the administrative affairs of the Commission. In 1989, the Commission became the Texas Department of Aviation (House Bill 94, 71st Legislature, 1st Called Session). The governing body of the Department is now the Board of Aviation, of the same makeup as the previous Commission, with one qualification added--members must now have five years experience as either an aircraft pilot, an airport facilities manager, or a fixed-base operator. The Executive Director functions as the Executive Officer of the Department.

The Department of Aviation (like the former TAC) assisted in the development of aeronautics in the state and cooperated with the federal government and other states in establishing a uniform aviation system. Some specific responsibilities were to assist communities and state agencies in the establishment, construction, improvement, and financing of airports and other air navigation facilities; to administer and conduct clinics and courses for general aviation pilots; to certify intrastate airlines and oversee the intrastate air transportation network; to hold investigations, inquiries, and hearings to ensure aviation rules and regulations are met; and to represent state aviation segments before the Civil Aeronautics Board and other such policy-making groups.


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