Flynn, John T., 1882-1964

John T. Flynn (1882-1964) was a newspaperman, essayist, radio commentator, biographer, and author of books on current affairs. He wrote for a wide variety of periodicals ranging from Harpers to the National Review. From 1940 he was one of the most literate and influential spokesmen among those who saw current events as evidence of a socialistic or communistic conspiracy in politics, religion, economics and communications. Among the many correspondents Flynn cultivated during his career was Burton K. Wheeler, senator from Montana from 1923-1947. The two men exchanged letters pertaining to a wide variety of mutual interests during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.

From the guide to the Burton K. Wheeler Documents from the John T. Flynn Papers, 1937-1955, (Montana State University-Bozeman Library, Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections)


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