Pomeroy, Willis Asa

Little is known of the life of Willis A. Pomeroy preceding the Civil War. He was the son of Chauncey Pomeroy and Eliza (Granger) Pomeroy and was born in Suffield, Connecticut on March 18, 1841. Pomeroy had two brothers, Chauncey and Arthur, and two sisters, Maria and Cornelia. Willis Pomeroy was married to Mary A. Nixon, but they had no children.

Willis Pomeroy enlisted and was mustered in on May 23, 1861 as a 1st lieutenant with "C" Company, 1st Regiment, Heavy Artillery, Connecticut Volunteers. By June his unit had been shipped to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Pomeroy was now a lieutenant with the 4th Connecticut Volunteers, which was attached to the 6th Brigade, 2nd Division of the Army of the Potomac. During June 1861 his unit was moved from Chambersburg to outside of Hagerstown, Maryland. On June 26, 1861 Pomeroy was appointed brigade commissary and aide to General Abercrombie with a promotion to the rank of captain. Captain Pomeroy was then responsible for requisitioning all supplies for the brigade, organizing supply trains, and ensuring that the men of the brigade had enough supplies and ammunition for extended marches. Another of Pomeroy's duties was to accompany General Abercrombie whenever he traveled from his headquarters.


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