The Philomathean Society.

The Philomathean Literary Society of the University of the City of New York (New York University) was founded in October 1832, the same month in which the first classes were held. The 12 students who founded the Society also adopted a series of resolutions that became the foundaton of its constitution in 1835. As one of two literary societies (the founding of the Eucleian Literary Society also occurred in this period) on campus, the Philomatheans were known for their "exercises in Debating, Oratory, and Composition."

Although documentary evidence about the Philomatheans is scarce, according to Chancellor Henry MacCracken and Professor Ernest G. Sihler in their historical volume Universities and their Sons: New York University (Volume 1, 1901 - available in the NYU Archives), the Philomatheans, like the Eucleians, were given a room in the University building during the 1830s. It was described as "fitted up in a style of taste and elegance highly creditable to the young gentlemen members." Indications of the importance of Philomathean rituals include the vote taken on June 7, 1833 that "members wear a badge on all occasions" (a badge and a pin are included in this collection, Box 2, folders 8 and 9).


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