University of Utah. Dept. of Computer Science.

The Division of Computer Science was founded in 1965 by David C. Evans and Ivan E. Sutherland within the Department of Electrical Engineering. In 1975 it became The Department of Computer Science in the College of Engineering and later in 2000 the School of Computing. During the period covered by these records, David C. Evans (1966-1973), Anthony C. Hearn (1975-1981), Laurence H. Lattman (1981-1982) and Richard F. Riesenfeld (1982-1988) served as heads of the Department of Computer Science. The School of Computing currently offers six research areas: applied computation, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, computer systems, information management and program analysis and formal methods. Computer science began at the University of Utah with pioneering work in computer graphics, computer architecture, digital audio and was the fourth node on the ARPAnet, the predecessor of today's Internet.

From the guide to the University of Utah Department of Computer Science records, 1968-1988, (J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah)


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