Pinney, Thomas

Thomas Pinney, is a Professor of English, emeritus, at Pomona College. He has edited published volumes of the letters of Thomas Babington Macaulay and Rudyard Kipling, and is the author of A History of Wine in America. BA Beloit C Phd Yale.

Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859, was an English historian, poet and politician. He attended Trinity College Cambridge, and received numerous awards for his poetry and prose there. He wrote numerous essays for the Edinburgh Review. A stout Whig in politics, he ultimately followed his abolitionist father's principles, spoke eloquently in favor of parliamentary reform and was prominent in the colonial government of India. Toward the end of his life he published a massive, yet incomplete, History of England, and also wrote an unpublished History of France, among other works. He was raised to the title of Baron in 1857.


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