Urquidi, Manuel

Born in Mexico City in 1881, Manuel Urquidi Márquez was an engineer by profession, and a government official and member of Congress during the presidency of Francisco I. Madero. As a young man he had studied at a university in the United States, where he resided for several years.

When Madero was organizing his followers against the reëlection of President Porfirio Díaz, Urquidi was one of the first members who joined the Centro Anti-reeleccionista de México in Mexico City, founded in May 1909. He held the posts of Treasurer and also of first Secretary, and in these positions he had correspondence with Madero. He was one of the delegates at the National Convention of the Partido Nacional Anti-reeleccionista in 1910. The government of President Díaz considered Madero and his followers as subversives and began sending them to prison. Urquidi himself spent several months in prison between 1910 and 1911.


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