Minnesota. Regional Transit Board

The Regional Transit Board [RTB] was established in 1984 by the Minnesota Legislature to administer the transit needs of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, particularly short-range planning and a light rail transit project [Laws 1984 c654 art3]. It was granted all of the powers of the Metropolitan Transit Commission [MTC], which it superseded for transit planning and oversight functions. The RTB's membership consisted of 14 people elected by the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area, and one chairman appointed by the governor. Among its first assignments, the RTB was required to develop a transit service implementation plan to carry out the Metropolitan Council's transit policy plan. In 1985, the RTB's membership was reduced to nine members [Laws 1985 1Sp10 s94 d4].

In 1987, the RTB's purpose was redefined to cover the following: 1) to foster effective delivery of existing transit services and encourage innovation in transit service; 2) to prepare implementation and financial plans for the metropolitan transit system; 3) to set policies and standards for implementing the transit policies and programs of the state and the transit policies of the Metropolitan Council in the metropolitan area; 4) to conduct transit research and evaluation; and 5) to administer state and metropolitan transit subsidies [Laws 1987 c278 s11 d1a]. Two years later, increasing transit services to suburban areas and working cooperatively to coordinate all transit modes and increase the availability of transit services were added to its duties [Laws 1989 c339 s7 d1a].


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