Anderson, Alvord Van Patten

Alvord Van Patten Anderson was born 10 April 1872, in New York City, to John R. Anderson and Clara Van Patten Anderson . Clara Van Patten Anderson soon died, and John left their son with maternal relatives for some time. John Anderson married Isabel Sime or Gime when Alvord Anderson was five years of age, at which time the boy was reunited with his father and his new wife. Alvord attended grammar school in Upper Montclair, N.J., from 1879 to 1885, and Wesleyan Academy in Willingham, Mass., from 1885-1886. He was enrolled at Pennington Seminary, in Pennington, N.J., from 1886-1888, but was suspended for mild but frequent misconduct. His post-secondary education consists of eight months of study at the University of the City of New York in 1889, and a full year at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa ., from 1890-1891. Several letters from 1893 refer to his experience as a schoolteacher.

On May 28, 1891 Anderson enlisted in the Cavalry . He was stationed at Fort Niobrara, Neb., where he attempted to gain a commission as an officer in 1893. He was not recommended for final examination for promotion, but he stayed on, working to gain the experience that, it was generally felt, he was lacking. During this time he was a non-commissioned corporal with the 6th Cavalry's Troop G . He went up for promotion again, again unsuccessfully, in 1894. On 10 May 1894 Anderson left Troop G on the advice of some officers from his post. Not long after, he took up his post at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, with Troop B of the 6th Cavalry .


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