Teller, Edward, 1908-2003

15 January 1908 Born, Budapest, Hungary 1926 1928 Student, Karlsruhe Technical Institute, Karlsruhe, Germany 1928 Student, University of Munich, Germany 1929 1931 Research associate, University of Leipzig, Germany 1930 Ph.D., University of Leipzig 1931 1933 Research associate, Guttingen, Germany 1934 Married Augusta (Mici) Harkanyi Rockefeller fellow, Copenhagen, Netherlands 1934 1935 Lecturer, University of London, United Kingdom 1935 1941 Professor of physics, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. 1941 Naturalized, Washington, D.C. 1941 1942 Professor of physics, Columbia University, New York City 1942 1943 Physicist, University of Chicago, Illinois 1942 1946 Physicist, Manhattan Engineer District of Columbia 1943 1946 Physicist, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico 1946 1952 Professor of physics, University of Chicago 1949 Author (with Francis Owen Rice), The Structure of Matter 1949 1952 Assistant director, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 1952 1953 Consultant, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California 1953 1960 Professor of physics, University of California, Berkeley 1954 1958 1960 1975 Associate director, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 1958 Author (with Albert L. Latter), Our Nuclear Future 1958 1960 Director, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory 1960 1970 Professor of physics-at-large, University of California 1962 Author (with Allen Brown), The Legacy of Hiroshima 1963 1966 Professor emeritus and chairman, Department of Applied Science, University of California, Davis and Livermore 1968 Author (with Gerald W. Johnson, Wilson K. Talley, and Gary H. Higgins), The Constructive Uses of Nuclear Explosives 1969 Author (with Segre, Kaplan, and Schiff), Great Men of Physics 1970 Author, General Remarks on Electronic Structure and the Hydrogen Molecular Ion, and General Theory of Electron Structure 1970 1975 University professor, University of California 1972 Author, The Miracle of Freedom 1975 Author, Energy: A Plan for Action 1975 University professor emeritus, University of California Director emeritus and consultant, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Senior research fellow, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford, California 1977 Author, Nuclear Energy in the Developing World 1979 Author, Energy from Heaven and Earth 1980 Author, The Pursuit of Simplicity 1987 Author, Better a Shield than a Sword: Perspectives on Defense and Technology 1989 Presidential Citizens Medal, 1991 Author, Conversations on the Dark Secrets of Physics 1998 Awarded a Magyarsag Hirneveert Dij, the highest official Hungarian government award 2001 Author, Memoirs: A Twentieth-Century Journey in Science and Politics 2002 Department of Energy Gold Award July 2003 Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom 9 September 2003 Died at his home on Stanford campus

From the guide to the Edward Teller Papers, 1930-2003, (Hoover Institution Archives)

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