Schult, Frederick

Frederick C. Schult was born on June 11, 1928, and attended Stuyvesant High School from 1943 to 1946. He received his B.A. from New York University's College of Arts and Sciences in 1950, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in history from the Graduate School of Arts and Science in 1951 and 1962 respectively. He joined the University faculty in 1951 as an assistant instructor in history at the School of Commerce, and from 1956 to 1962 he served as an instructor of history at the University College of Arts and Sciences. From 1962 to 1969, he served as assistant professor of history, and in 1969, he was named associate professor of history.

Schult also held administrative positions within the University. At the University College of Arts and Science, he served as assistant to the Dean from 1957-1962 and as Assistant Dean from 1962-1970. He also served as a freshman class advisor from 1957-1965 and as the Director of Counseling and Registration from 1965-1970. Additionally, Schult served as an Associate Dean in the Graduate School of Arts and Science.


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