Florida State College for Women

According to Robin Sellers' Femina Perfecta, in 1914 members of the even-year classes of Florida State College for Women (juniors and freshmen) wore their green and yellow class colors to chapel on the Saturday morning before Thanksgiving. A spontaneous pep rally ensued. On the following Wednesday, odd-year class members (seniors, sophomores, and sub-freshmen) carried canes wrapped with ribbons in their individual class colors of red, white, and purple. On Thanksgiving Day the odd-year classes defeated the even-year classes 26-5 in basketball and celebrated with a march into town before they returned to a traditional turkey in the recently-completed dining hall. From 1910-1920, President Conradi allowed students to establish several rituals, the most important of which were athletic contests between Odds and Evens. Competition between the two groups remained keen and Thanksgiving continued to be the focal point of the rivalry. Odd/Even rivalries continued practically unaltered from the 1920s through the 1940s, and ended in 1946 with the arrival of male students at the Tallahassee Branch of the University of Florida.

From the description of Florida State College for Women/Florida State University "Odd" team beanies. (Florida State University). WorldCat record id: 659513135


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