B'nai B'rith. Baron De Hirsch Lodge No. 420 (Butte, Mont.).

B'nai B'rith was founded in 1843 in New York City, as the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. Founders Henry Jones and others established it as a Jewish fraternal benevolent and mutual-aid society. In addition to traditional fraternal order activities, the B'nai B'rith engaged in political efforts in behalf of Jews worldwide. By the late 1800s it had spread to countries around the world. Its branch the Anti-Defamation League worked to combat discrimination. The name was shortened to B'nai B'rith in 1930.

Baron de Hirsch Lodge No. 420 of B'nai B'rith was founded in Butte, Montana, in 1892. It followed in the footsteps of the earlier Hebrew Benevolent Society, founded in 1881. Among the early leaders of B'nai Brith were William Gallick, Henry Jonas, and Alex Cohen. The lodge met at first in the Knights of Pythias Hall and later in the Odd Fellows Hall. The Butte lodge was affiliated with B'nai B'rith Grand District Lodge No. 4 covering much of the West. Lodge No. 4 had been founded in California in 1863 and established orphan asylums, homes for the aged, and religious schools. The Baron de Hirsch Lodge supported many of these institutions and carried on both social and charitable functions in Butte. Like many fraternal organizations, the Lodge declined in the 1970s to 1980s, due largely to the aging of the Jewish population in Butte and to the lack of interest of younger people in fraternal orders.


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