Neuhausen, Thomas Brues, 1872-1944

Thomas Brues Neuhausen (1872-1944) was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, and moved to St. Paul, Minnisota, with his father, who became editor of Die Volkszeitung. Neuhausen was educated in Minnesota and at the Lyceum, Bamberg, Bavaria. In 1895 he became city editor of Die Volkszeitung, and in 1899 was the Washington D.C. correspondent of the St. Paul Globe.

In 1900 he married Maude Lyon. Neuhausen was appointed special agent of the U. S. Land Office, Ashland, Wisconsin in 1900, and transferred to The Dalles, Oregon in 1903, where he was a land fraud investigator. He had various titles and promotions, finally becoming confidential inspector for Secretary of the Interior Ethan Allen Hitchcock (1906) and later for James R. Garfield. He was especially useful to Francis J. Heney, government prosecutor.


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