Rutgers Defense Council.

The Rutgers Defense Council was initiated in response to the threat of enemy action against U.S. coastal residents during W.W. II. Creation of the Council was authorized by university President Robert C. Clothier on December 7, 1941 to safeguard life and property on Rutgers New Brunswick campuses. The Rutgers Preparatory School and New Brunswick Theological Seminary were also included in the program, which was ultimately cancelled on June 14, 1945. Chaired by Dean Norman C. Miller, numerous divisions of the university were represented on the council. Members communicated regularly regarding the administrative arrangements required to secure the university. Important priorities for the Council included the assessment of fire equipment, evaluation of potntial air raid shelters in universitybuildings, testing and upgrading of the alarm system, and establishment of blackout and air raid procedures. The university received guidance from the U.S. Office of Civilian Defense, which outlined areas to be addressed by all university defense organizations.

Accomplishment of these tasks was not a simple matter due to problems related to the physical plant, and the more intangible problems of uncertainty and upheaval as the student population became subject to conscription, and enlisted in large numbers. In the "Statenment of Rutgers Defense Council" (1/9/42), Miller recognized that a transient student body could not serve in an ongoing defense defense capacity. He stated that "the university must rely primarily on its permanant force such as janitors, guards, and buildings men, together with permanant clerical or staff men [faculty] as may be available. Nevertheless, by 6/15/43 Miller reported to Clothier that no immediate problems awaited solution. Regulations had been imposed to curtail evening activities on campus, air raid shelters had been designated, successful practice blackouts had been completed, about 200 hand bomb-spray pumps had been distributed throughout New Brunswick campuses, and first-aid and fire training programs had been held. Council members were discharged on June 14,1945 with the thanks of President Clothier for their efforts.


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