West Parish Church (West Barnstable, Mass.)

Barnstable, Barnstable County, Mass., located on Cape Cod, lies sixty-nine miles southeast of Boston, Mass., and was settled in 1639. West Barnstable, called Scauton by the native Americans and Great Marshes by the settlers, one of seven villages that make up the town of Barnstable, was established in 1717 when east and west precincts were set off from Barnstable. West Barnstable was for many years the business center for the town of Barnstable.

In 1717, a meetinghouse was begun to be built, with its first service held on Thanksgiving Day in 1719. The meetinghouse was used as a place of worship, held town meetings, and was used as the village school. The meetinghouse has been remodeled and restored over the years.


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