Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties
The Association of Pennsylvania State College Faculty was established in 1937. In 1960 it became the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculty (APSCUF). Both of these organizations were professional associations, not collective bargaining units. While these groups represented faculty views to the Board of State College Presidents and other governing agencies, they did not have bargaining power. In 1970, Pennsylvania passed Act 195 that allowed state employees to be represented by a collective bargaining unit. The faculty of the state colleges and university voted on the issue and selected APSCUF as their representative. The first bargaining agreement was enacted in 1972. Each campus elected its own chapter president. At Edinboro, the first president was Russell Vance, serving from 1971-73. He was followed in order by; Micque Brown 1971-73, Marie Palmer (Papesch) 1975-79, Harvey Heath 1979-81, Marie Palmer (Papesch) 1981-83, Tom Heard 1983-99, Baher Ghosheh 1999-01, Sherry Reynolds 2001-2005, Dave Obringer 2005-2009 and Jean Jones, 2009-to the time of this writing.
From the description of Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties (APSCUF) records, 1943-2010, bulk 1970-2002. (Edinboro University of Pennsylvania). WorldCat record id: 768344061