Platonic Debating Society of West Florida Seminary

On the afternoon of December 10, 1897, some fifteen or twenty boys met in the Chapel Hall of the Seminary, for the purpose of considering plans to form a debating society. They described the need for such a society to cultivate their intellectual, moral and social endowments, to foster virtue, to promote friendship and patriotism. Mr. W.S. Whiteman Jr. was chosen chairman of the meeting and after stating the benefits to be derived from such a society, asked the opinion of the men present in regard to the proposed movement. After some discussion it was unanimously decided to form a society, and a committee was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws. The report of this committee, with a few changes, was adopted and the organization was made permanent, and from that memorable day dated the birth of the Platonic Debating Society, whose motto has ever been, "Reason, Man's Guide." The colors decided upon by the Society were garnet and gray.

The officers for the first term of the society were Mr. W.S. Whiteman Jr., President, Mr. Harry Dozier, Vice-President, Mr. G.J. Winthrop, Secretary and Treasurer, and Mr. E.G. Johnston, Sergeant-at-Arms. These individuals were elected for a term of four months and during their term the Society grew, not only in numbers but also in strength. The question for the first annual debate at Commencement was, Resolved, "That War is Necessary for the Advancement of Civilization." Messrs. C.G. Parlin and F.A. Hathaway were chosen to champion the affirmative, and Messrs. G.J. Winthrop and E.G. Johnston were chosen to represent the negative. In this debate the affirmative was successful and Mr. Hathaway was awarded the Winthrop Medal for the best debater. Soon after Mr. Clark's election to the Presidency, a committee was appointed to arrange for the commencement debate. The committee handed in the following report: Question, Resolved, "That the Expansion Policy of the United States Is Detrimental to the Republic." Debaters, affirmative, Messrs. A.B. Clark and A.P. Harrison, and negative A.L. Randolph and Arie Donk. This debate was decided in favor of the affirmative, and the Winthrop Medal was awarded to Mr. A.P. Harrison.


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