University of Illinois. Galesburg Campus

On September 24, 1946, the Board of Trustees approved the acquisition of Mayo General Hospital at Galesburg and authorized the appointment of personnel for instruction, administration and operation at the Undergraduate Division at Galesburg. On October 22, 1946, Frederick R. Hamilton was appointed dean of the Galesburg Undergraduate Division beginning September 27, 1946. As chief administrative office of the Division he reported directly to the President of the University. On August 5, 1947, upon the retirement of Dean Hamilton, Chauncey McK. Louttit was appointed Dean of the Galesburg Undergraduate Division.

After the arrival of Dean Louttit, the responsibilities of the Dean's office were divided between the Executive Dean and Assistant Dean G. Ernst Giesecke. Assistant Dean Giesecke was responsible for course offerings and instructional programs. The Executive Dean served as adviser in these areas and was responsible for faculty, nonacademic activities and external relations of the Division.


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