Bingham family.

Hiram Bingham was born on October 30, 1789 in Bennington, Vermont. He graduated from Middlebury College (1816) and Andover Theological Seminary (1819). He served as a missionary in Hawaii, publishing and translating several works. He returned to the United States in 1840, and continued to lecture and write until his death in New Haven, Connecticut on November 11, 1869.

Hiram Bingham was born on August 16, 1831 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He graduated from Yale (1853) and was ordained in 1856. He served as a missionary in the Gilbert Islands (1857-1863), returning to the United States in 1865. He traveled to Micronesia and Hawaii in 1866, remaining in Hawaii until 1873. He resumed missionary work in the Gilbert Islands (1873-1875) and later returned to Hawaii for health reasons. He died in Baltimore, Maryland on October 25, 1908.


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