Texas High-Speed Rail Authority

The pursuit of a high speed rail project in Texas began in earnest in 1987. In June of that year the 70th Legislature directed the Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA) to study the feasibility of high speed rail service in the Texas Triangle - Dallas-Houston, Dallas-San Antonio, and San Antonio-Houston. The study began in February 1988. The study reviewed other high speed rail systems, current and projected transportation needs in Texas, and other related subjects. The TTA reported to the Texas Legislature in January 1989 that, under certain assumptions, high speed rail (over 150 miles per hour) would be feasible in Texas. The 71st Legislature passed legislation to implement the findings of the report.

The Texas High-Speed Rail Authority (THSRA or the Authority) was created in 1989 by the 71st Legislature (Senate Bill 1190, Regular Session). The governing board of the Authority was composed of 11 members. The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, appointed three public members to overlapping six-year terms. The governor also appointed a current or past member of a board of an authorized metropolitan transit authority from a city with a population of 1.5 million or more; a current or past member of a regional transportation authority that contained a city of 800,000 or more; and a current or past member of the executive committee, a subregional board of directors, or the board of directors of a regional transportation authority with a subregion containing a city with a population of less than 800,000. The chairs of the State Board of Transportation and the Texas Turnpike Authority, and the three commissioners of the Railroad Commission served as exofficio members of the governing board of the Authority.


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