Harris, Harold R.

Brigadier General Harold L. Harris was born in Chicago in 1897. He relocated early in life to Southern California where he graduated from the Los Angeles Manual Arts High School and the California Institute of Technology. Trained as a pilot on the west coast, Harris flew bombing operations in Italy during World War I. After the War, he worked as a test pilot and served as Chief of Flight Test Research for the Army Air Corps at McCook Field in Dayton. Harris left the military to become an excutive with several airlines including Pan American and Northwest Airlines. Harris returned to the military in World War II, working his way up to the rank of Brig. General in the Army Air Transport Command. After retirement, he began work on a history of Pan American which he never finished. He died in 1989 at the age of 89.

From the description of Papers, 1920-1988. (University of Wisconsin, Superior). WorldCat record id: 31020178

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