Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda, 1942-....

Erlinda Gonzales-Berry joined the Oregon State University faculty in 1997 as chair of the Ethnic Studies Department, a position she held until her retirement in December 2007. Gonzales-Berry specialized in teaching Latino literature and culture; published extensively on Chicano and Nuevomexicano literature and culture; and conducted research on immigration from Mexico to the United States. She organized several conferences and symposia on Chicano studies in Oregon. Prior to her appointment at OSU, she was a professor of Spanish and Chicano/Latino Culture and Literatures at the University of New Mexico, where she also served as chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. She earned her BA, MA, and PhD degrees from the University of New Mexico. She served on the Oregon Commission for Hispanic Affairs, several MLA boards, the New Mexico Endowment for the Humanities board, and the National Advisory Board of the U.S. Latino Literary Heritage Project.

From the description of Erlinda Gonzales-Berry papers, 1982-2007 (bulk 2000-2006). (Eugene Public Library). WorldCat record id: 212383638


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