Finnish Socialist Federation. National Executive Committee (Chicago, Ill.). Eastern District Committee (Fitchburg, Mass.)

The Finnish Socialist Federation (Suomalainen Sosialistijärjestö) was founded in Hibbing, Minn., in 1906. At its peak, from 1912 to 1914, it had an average membership of 13,000 and was the largest foreign-language federation in the Socialist Party of the United States. The Federation was organized into three districts: the Western, Midwestern, and Eastern. Each had its own newspaper, The Toveri, Työmies and Raivaaja, respectively.

The Federation underwent ideological splits in 1914 and 1920. The former occurred over the issue of industrial unionism; about 39 Midwestern chapters with 3,500 members were expelled or withdrew. The Federation split in 1920 over the question of affiliation with the Third International. The left wing, mostly from the West and Midwest,
