Stavrianos, Leften Stavros

Biographical Note

1913, Feb. 5 born, Vancouver, B.C., Canada 1937 Ph.D., Clark University 1937 38 Lecturer, Queens University 1939 Royal Society of Canada traveling fellow 1939 1946 Instructor, then Assistant Professor, Smith College 1944 author, Balkan Federation 1944 1945 with research and analysis branch, Office of Strategic Services 1946 1956 Associate Professor, Northwestern University 1951 1952 Guggenheim Fellow 1952 author, Greece: American Dilemma and Opportunity 1953 1954 Ford Faculty Fellow 1956 1973 Professor of History, Northwestern University 1958 author, The Balkans Since 1453 1962 author, A Global History of Man 1966 author, The World Since 1500 1970 author, The World to 1500 1971 author, Man's Past and Present 1971 1972 Fellow, East-West Center, Hawaii 1972 1973 Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 1973 Professor of History, Emeritus, Northwestern University

From the guide to the Leften S. Stavrianos Papers, 1942-1963, (Hoover Institution Archives)

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