Florida. Department of Natural Resources

The Dept. of Natural Resources was created in 1969 (Ch. 69-106, Laws), combining the functions of the State Board of Conservation; the Canal Authority; the Commission on Marine Sciences and Technology; the Florida Keys Aqueduct Commission; the Board of Parks and Historic Memorials; the Outdoor Recreational Development Council; the Board of Drainage Commissioners; and the Suwannee River Development Authority. In 1975, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund also became part of the Dept. of Natural Resources (Ch. 75-22, Laws).

The Department is responsible for the administration, supervision, development, and conservation of the natural resources of Florida. The Governor and Cabinet head the Department and appoint an Executive Director who manages the Department. The Department consists of the Divisions of Administration, Beaches and Shores, Law Enforcement, Marine Resources, Recreation and Parks, Resource Management, and State Lands.


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